Rescue a Child

Donate Now

Here are ways you can give

Cash Gifts

Donate as often as you would like, or become a monthly sponsor.  To send a check or money order:

Bless An Orphan
P.O. Box 261
Vero Beach, FL 32961

To use your debit or credit card:
Click here or call: 877.290.2508

Donate Online

Matching Contributions

Some employers offer a “Matching Contribution Fund” and will match whatever donations you give to a charity of your choice.  Speak to your employer and ask if they have a program.  If they do not but are interested, have a representative contact our office at

877.290.2508 or [email protected]
for more details


Gifts of Real Estate

Gifts of Real Estate include, houses, vehicles, land, boats, etc.

If the real estate propery cannot be used for the ministry benefit, the items(s) will be sold and the funds will be used to continue to take care of orphans, abandoned, abused and trafficked children.


Life Insurance

Planned giving helps to ensure that this life-saving work continues.  Your gifts of annuities or life insurance gifts paid on behalf of the deceased.

Speak to your insurance provider or attorney for more information.



Remember Bless An Orphan in your will.  Your legacy will continue to bless others.

Speak to your legal representative or attorney for more information.


Appreciated Securities

Gifts of gold, silver and or artwork.  If you would like to gift these items to help fund the mission of Bless An Orphan, please call our office at:

877.290.2508 or [email protected]



Here's how to use social networking and media


Share our Facebook page with your family and friends. Something so simple generates support for this mission when you share the needs of the children.

Visit Our FB Page

Web Banners

Place a web banner on your web site and promote the mission of Bless An Orphan and help rescue lives.

Video & Audio Spots

Share video and audio spots for radio or television or on social networking.


Support the Mission with Online Shopping

Sign up with the free app and 3% of your purchases at over 1600+ stores will be donated to Bless An Orphan! There is no extra cost to you. The stores donate 3% when you use the iGive app. Share with your friends and family as well!

Free Enrollment

Amazon Smile

Amazon Smile is a way you can support this mission every time you shop on! There is no extra charge to you. Amazon donates 0.5% of your purchase total to support the mission of Bless An Orphan. 

Get the link

Buy BAO Gear

Buy a t-shirt (or other products), support the cause, spread the word. It’s that easy. 



Fundraising Ideas

Host A Social Banquet or Event

Host a Social Banquet or Event and raise funds to support the mission. Black-Tie Formal Banquets, Country BBQs, Rodeos, Music Concerts, Run/Walk Marathon, etc. are just a few ways you can help generate support. Our team will help you plan the event and join the program the day of the event. Fill out the form for more information.

More Info

Host A Speaker

Book our team to speak and present or program to your church, youth group, school, or business. While our platform is to share our mission and the needs of the children, the emphasis is on challenging people to dream big, live a radical life of faith, and go beyond what is comfortable to leave a legacy and make a mark. Our program is inspirational, encouraging, and filled with stories of children and our missionaries who have overcome incredible obstacles. Stories of faith, miracles, and the impossible. 

More Info

Fundraising Ideas

Yard sales, bake sales, car washes, baby bottle change drive, are just a few ideas of how your church, youth group, Sunday school class, school, or business can help generate funds to support the cause and care for children in dire need. Sign up for more information and we’ll send you marketing material and other helpful material to make your fundraiser a success!

More Info